Speaker Details
Syed Ali Raza Zaidi
Syed Ali Raza Zaidi (M09) is a University Academic Fellow (Assistant Professor) at the University of Leeds in the broad area of Communication & Sensing for Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Earlier from 2013-2015, he was associated with the SPCOM research group working on US ARL funded project in the area of Network Science. From 2011-2013, he was associated with the International University of Rabat working as Research Associate. He was also a visiting research scientist at Qatar Innovations and Mobility Centre from October- December 2013 working on QNRF funded project QSON. He completed his Doctoral Degree at the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. He was awarded the G. W. and F. W. Carter Prize for best thesis and best research paper. He has published 90+ papers in leading IEEE conferences and journals. From 2014-2015, he was the editor for IEEE Communication Letters and also lead guest editor for IET Signal Processing Journal’s Special Issue on Signal Processing for Large Scale 5G Wireless Networks. He is also an editor for IET Access, Front haul and Backhaul book. Currently, he is serving as a Associate Technical Editor for IEEE Communication Magazine. He has been awarded COST IC0902, Royal Academy of Engineering, EPSRC and DAAD grants to promote my research outputs. His current research interests are at the intersection ICT, applied mathematics, mobile computing and embedded systems implementation. Specifically, his current research is geared towards: (i) design and implementation of communication protocols to enable various applications (rehabilitation, healthcare, manufacturing, surveillance) of future RAS; and (ii) design, implementation and control of RAS for enabling future wireless networks (for e.g. autonomous deployment, management and repair of future cellular networks)